The Philadelphia Orthopaedic Society
The Philadelphia Orthopaedic Society advances orthopaedic surgery through professional collaboration and public education.

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS – The Eleanor A. Slanga Resident Research Award
The Eleanor A. Slanga Resident Research Award was established to recognize excellence in research in the discipline of Orthopaedics. The award is open to all current Orthopaedic residents in programs associated with the Philadelphia Orthopaedic Society. Original abstracts not published prior to April 1, 2025 will be accepted for review.
Special Announcement: Proposed Bylaw Change
As announced at the December 9, 2024, meeting, the Board has proposed a change to the bylaws.
The proposed change in wording to Article XVII, Section 3, Subsection B is:
The nominating committee will strive to ensure that there is representation from all six residency programs as well as non-program affiliated community physicians on the board of directors.
This proposed change will serve to help ensure there is representation from all the area residency programs and community physicians. Members in good standing will receive email ballots to vote for or against the proposed change.
Results of the vote will be announced at the February meeting.
The purpose of the Philadelphia Orthopaedic Society shall be to promote, encourage, foster and advance the art and science of orthopaedic surgery and matters related thereto, to establish a forum for free discussion and teaching of orthopaedic methods and principles among the members and to inform the public as to the nature of orthopaedic medicine in the total health care system.
Invitation to Membership
If you are a Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon and would like to become a member, we are now accepting new members. Click the button below to download our application.
Membership Renewals
Annual Dues $200.00
$409.50 (Regularly $445.00)
Make a Donation to the Philadelphia Orthopaedic Society.
Show off your products and services to Philadelphia area orthopaedic surgeons. Sponsorship packages include a tabletop during cocktails and attendance during speakers’ presentation as well as recognition in newsletter and this website. Learn more.

Send lecture program reservation and society inquiries to:
Teri Wiseley, Executive Director
308 Rolling Creek Road
Swarthmore, PA 19081
Email: admin@phillyortho.org